Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Writing is a Journey

Six years ago when God gave me the simple direction "Write," I had no idea the journey I was about to undertake by my agreement.

He also didn't explain that at the same time, I would be pregnant and give birth to four children in the space of those six years. And be lead to homeschool them.

But God is always faithful to complete what He says He will do. And He never lets things go. I said I would do it, and He has held me to it. He's given me the determination to write five novels, and countless articles and reviews. Some have been published. Some have even been purchased. But most have been laid aside as I tried again, and again, to become the more accomplished author that I am certain He has in mind.

I am by no means there. I don't know that I will ever be. Writing is like a life. You never arrive. You are always growing, always learning, always looking back and being amazed at where you've come from. Especially a life that is lived for the glory of God. He takes tiny seeds, ugly, brown, dead, and worthless, and grows forests of trees that tower and flourish, strong and enduring through all the seasons of life.

There are certainly goals. I want to publish a novel. Several novels. I want to be enough of a writer that people enjoy reading my stories and gain insight from them. See Jesus in them. I want the love stories I weave together to point readers to the ultimate love story of their life, the true one, the real one, the lasting one.

The forever one.

Because I know from the experience of my own love story, when Jesus took an awkward young girl and started fashioning her and shaping her into something worthwhile, when He loved her despite what she lacked, when He reached down in tenderness and saved her to transform her into something better...  He can love anyone. Change anyone. Heal anyone.

And so I write.